1) Pre-tension pre-stressed concrete
The beams or elements are constructed on a stressing bed and stranded cable is placed between two buttresses anchored to a stressing bed which holds the force in the stretched cables. After stretching the steel with hydraulic jacks, concrete is placed in forms around the cables and allowed to harden. When the concrete reaches sufficient strength, the pre-stress force is transferred to the concrete by bond when the steel strand at the ends of the beam is cut loose from buttresses. It is usually fabricated away from the job site in a pre-stressing plant.
2) Post-tension pre-stressed concrete
The beams or elements are constructed on a stressing bed and stranded cable is placed between two buttresses anchored to a stressing bed which holds the force in the stretched cables. After stretching the steel with hydraulic jacks, concrete is placed in forms around the cables and allowed to harden. When the concrete reaches sufficient strength, the pre-stress force is transferred to the concrete by bond when the steel strand at the ends of the beam is cut loose from buttresses. It is usually fabricated away from the job site in a pre-stressing plant.